Sunday, November 27, 2005

In or Out?

Okay folks.... maybe this will wake things up a bit. I've heard some leftist media types comparing Bush to Nixon. I personally think it's rubbish, and I've never heard it explained to my satisfaction. So if anyone is actually reading this, feel free to explain or disprove. And on the Iraq subject, nobody can say that it is going as well as it might. But to those who think the US should pull out immediately (I don't, by the way), what do you see as the future for Iraq? Obviously they can't defend the place by themselves, and it is foolish to think the terrorists (and that is what they are) will simply walk away if the US pulls out. That means that Al Qeada will have another Afganistan, and we'll be paying the bills a few years later. So what is the solution? And really, I don't want flames here. I want opinions. If you think I'm wrong (or right), explain.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey you, thanx for visiting my site... i see now why you said we'd disagree. let's see... first of all, i don't think that we should've gone into iraq in the first place. here are my reasons: 1)saddam was in no way, shape, or form threatening the USA, he was just goin about his business dictating his country (not that dictatorships are fair, but i mean if we decided to wage war on every country that had a dictator as a leader... ayyy dios mio!), 2)if his people really had it so bad and wanted him gone, they would've done what we did in the revolution. things sucked for us, we got fed up, we fought for our freedom. we should've given iraq that chance. we funded osama bin laden, so it's our own fault that he ended up screwing us over. we supported him in the 80's so that he could fight the russians who were trying to take over some crappy country while we were still afraid of communism, and now we're mad that he's following his own agenda. really, we should've known. osama was not in iraq, and he was the man we were after. we had no business going into iraq in the first place.

that being said, we created an environment which could breed terrorism... i mean, iraq is in this state of limbo right now, nothing is really getting done. you have two religious groups fighting for control in that country, meanwhile when sadam was in power the country was secularly ruled, one of a very very select few countries in that region which were. now, if you think a religious power struggle isn't enough to support terrorism, i remind you of all the turmoil the israelis and palestinians are in... both groups are essencially participating in various activities which could be classified as terroist in nature i.e. blowing themselves up in crowded malls and the like. this is yet another boo-boo america made and is gonna have to pay for. whether we keep our soldiers there for 10 more minutes or a whole decade, we're gonna suffer the consequences of creating that environment, and so is the rest of the world. i agree with bill maher on this one (although he only jokes when he makes this comment); we should put sadam back in power and get the hell out of there. i think maybe we should even go a step further and apologize to them for invading their country and killing their people. and remember that this is coming from a person who was in new york city on september 11th (i was still in high school, i had just started my sophmore year, and we could see the towers from our classroom window that morning). i have a lot of friends who lost people close to them, and while i feel horrible for them, i don't think the answer was invading a country which had nothing to do with those attacks. what this country needs to do is stop getting in everyone else's business and fix our own messes, right here. there are several issues this goverment of ours is just ignoring in the name of "the war on terror."

my solution: get the hell out of iraq, give it back to sadam, then replace all the shitty media workers in america with competent, responsible ones so that by the next election we can actually make an informed decision and not vote for another Bush.
