Saturday, February 17, 2007

Fundamentalist Islam and Nazism

In the 1930's, the Nazis perfected the art of infiltrating nations they planned to conquer by spreading lies, confusion, and political unrest, and it worked perfectly as one European country after another. confused and distracted by these "Fifth Column" elements, fell easily into Nazi hands.

These Fifth Columnists even reached the United States. The most visible was the German-American Bund. After Hitler's rise to power in 1933, some German-Americans formed groups who attempted to influence American politics. They wore uniforms and swastikas and pledged themselves to the Fuhrer, promoting hatred fot Jews and working to bring Nazism to the United States. They even stormed the German language New Yorker Staats-Zeitung with the demand that Nazi-sympathetic articles be published. They also created recreational camps such as Camp Siegfried in New York, Camp Nordland in New Jersey, and Camp Hindenburg in Wisconsin. They met frequently in Milwaukee and Chicago beer halls. They created an American version of the Hitler Youth that educated children in the German language and history, and Nazi philosophy. They even handed Aryan pamphlets outside of Jewish owned businesses and spawned several incidents of violence against Jewish-Americans and Jewish-owned businesses.

The Corvinius Library of Hungarian History writes that resistance to the Nazis infiltration tactics was weak through free Europe's disunity and perplexed by the appeasement of Western diplomacy. In addition, the free nation's social ills and national strife were skillfully exploited by Nazi diplomacy and propaganda.

The Hungarian Library article states that the spearheads of Nazi infiltration were the many large German minorities in those countries who readily embraced the ideas of national-socialism. In fact, Hitler's program appealed to many malcontents, irrespective of nationality, who were dissatisfied with the existing social or political order. The revisionist governments, of course, agreed with Hitler's loudly proclaimed aim of undoing "the injustices of the peace treaties." But the defenders of the status quo, too, in their confused and disorganized state, more and more deemed it opportune to curry the favor of the new and powerful German Reich. First, their inner weaknesses undermined their individual power of resistance. Second, their strife with each other destroyed whatever abilities they had to join together.

Today, militant Islam has been very successful at the same thing. To a large extent, Muslims who immigrate to non-Muslim countries make no effort to assimilate, and in fact are encouraged in this by liberal and PC forces waving the banner of cultural diversity. They even separate themselves in enclaves where local police are afraid to venture.

What about attempts to influence mainstream media as the Bund did with the New Yorker Staats-Zeitung? The Mohammed cartoon controversy is a good example of Islam doing the same. Free speech runs counter to Islamic beliefs.

And what about the Nazi 'recreational camps'? Around the free world, there have been madrasses & mosques set up that preach the violent teaching of Militant Islam to Muslim students. And just as the Bund created an American version of the Hitler Youth, the madrasses and mosques in the free world are doing the same to their children, teaching not Western values but those of radical Islam and the promotion of anti-Semitism. Even prisons have become fertile grounds for recruiting the troops of jihad.

Home grown Jihadists work as Fifth Columnists using Europe's growing population of alienated Muslim and youth as an important reservoir of potential recruits while appeasing apologists for the Islamist agenda, like Hitler, cite the "injustices" that have been committed on the Muslim population of the world by the free democracies.

The fundamentalist face of Islam today represents... indeed loudly and proudly proclaims a grave threat to tolerant, appeasing Western culture.

Next: World War Three!

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