Thursday, September 20, 2007

American Al Jazeera

Not that I don't appreciate the 24 hour trash television provided by such
luminaries as CNN's Nancy Grace and A J Hammer, and Entertainment Tonight
and Entertainment Weekly, and Extra! and so on and so forth ad nauseum. But
you guys are really second-rate operators. I mean, really.... how do you
expect to be the best (or worst) if you continue to pretend to have a soul.
I mean, you don't, and I know that, but you still pretend. If you really
want to be the worst. The absolute worst, evil, soulless, deprived of any
pretense of decency or morals... I mean, literally the Al Jazeera of
America, you really need to be more like that bastion of blood-soaked amoral
filth and trash, TMZ. TMZ is the website and trash television spawner that
shoves cameras in drunk girl's faces and calls it entertainment. TMZ is part
of the tight-knit community of blood-suckers responsible for, among other
things, the death of Princess Diana. TMZ feeds on tragedy and unhappiness.
It takes delight in the suffering of others, and claims, like any
self-respecting rapist, that the victim was asking for it. It doesn't help
that there is a seemingly unending people willing to look at the filth
served up. I don't. I've never been to the site, and I never will. I'd
rather have AOL on my computer. And that won't happen anytime soon. I don't
actually have to, of course, because just like its Islamofascist
counterpart, it has managed to convince major news outlets that it's
important, Also, like its Islamofascist counterpart, TMZ hides behind a
pretense of journalism to feed anyone willing to listen heaps of hate and
fear (in the form of a really important and newsworthy celeb who commits the
cardinal sin of.... wait for it.... being human. You know what I'd like to
see? I'd like to see someone follow and harass the flesh-eating bacteria
that run and profit from TMZ to the point where they go nuts and sink into a
morass of drugs and booze. Oh, the humanity!

Legalized Slavery

I know that human life is cheap in this country. You can see that from
watching the news, or look at the scandal rags at the grocery checkout.
Politicians don't see us as people, they see us as votes and dollars.
Nothing else. But what amazes me is how easily and eagerly people buy into
it. Think slavery is history in this country? Or maybe that its limited to
cargo containers full of refugees who end up in sweat shops? Wrong you are.
There is slavery going on right now. In your neighborhood. In your labor
union. Maybe even in your home. How so? Well, you might not like this,

The liberal machine has been telling African-Americans (I'll just mention
this once. You can't call a black person black anymore, because they've
decided they don't like it. Freedom of speech, not so much. They can call
each other that, but I can't. Not the only word they use with abandon that'd
get me locked up and beaten to a pulp. And that is because of the color of
my skin, and theirs. Got nothing to do with content of character. I'm just
saying.) for years that they could not get a fair shake just because of
brains or hard work. They've told African Americans that the only way they
could ever expect to get anything out of life is for the government to give
it to them. And why would they possibly want to do that? I mean, are we
supposed to believe that the government has spent, really, about forty years
trying to fix the civil rights problem in this country and it hasn't managed
to? If that's true, I think we need to look elsewhere for a solution.If it
has found a solution, then it's time to end state-sponsored and taxpayer
funded racism in the form of affirmative action. And of course, no liberal
is ever going to do that. You know why? Because he or she wouldn't be able
to tell their voters they can make it on their own. Tell me please how that
is not slavery. They've also spent all that time and energy convincing you
that anyone who tells you otherwise is a racist. In fact, that word 'racist'
is free bank card. A get out of jail free card, and a ticket to the front of
every line. All you have to is pledge alleigance to them. The only legal,
state-sponsored slavery in the country.

Monday, September 10, 2007

"Lone Survivor"

Putting aside the rant for once to talk about heroes. Not Superman or
Batman. Not even sports stars. I'm talking about real life struggling,
self-sacrificing heroes. What I'm really talking about is a book called
"Lone Survivor", and the hero at the center of it, Marcus Luttrell. Marcus
Luttrell is a Navy Seal (and just based on that he is worthy of our extreme
admiration) who was serving in Iraq when he and three of his team members
were deployed to Afghanistan. I'm not going to tell you much about the book,
because I want you to read it for yourself. Buy the book. Get it from the
library. Borrow it from a friend. Whatever. Just read the book. It doesn't
detail an epic battle that decided a war, or saved a bunch of people. In
fact, most of the bad guys are still on the loose. But what what really got
me about this book is what people are willing to do, not for headlines or
medals, but for pretty abstract ideas. Duty. Honor. Country. This isn't
about politics. It's about flat out courage. I don't have a lot of heroes in
my life. But Marcus Luttrell is one of them.

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

"I'm Quitting the Republican Party" Part Two: YOU'RE FIRED!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I was going to follow on with the real, sensible solution to some of the
issues facing America and the world, and why everyone currently in politics
is completely incapable (or at least unwilling) of doing anything that helps
us rather than them. But I'm not going to bother. We knoow they're crap. We
all do. There is no voter out there who can honestly, in their heart, say
that they believe that their candidate will say the hell with the polls, to
hell with my legacy, to hell with how history or the mainstream media judges
me, I'm going to fix the country. That is not going to happen. And it's not
because there are no good people in this country. Any person will, without
outside influence, generally do the decent thing. But politicians...
Republocrats I call them, are not without outside influence. They start out
small somewhere, with probably good intentions, thinking they can improve
their little corner of the world. And that's where they should have stayed.
But then they get the ambition to to move up, and we've lost them. Even,
even, if they move up through local to state government, they can do some
good if their scruples have survived. IF. Big word. But if they have, then
they can still do good. Because they live where they govern. After that,
they get the King syndrome. And they're gone. Give them a red lightsaber,
and change their name to Darth (insert hated politician's name of your
choice here). They've gone to the dark side. So what do we do? First
acknowledge that no independent will ever get elected to the White House.
The Republocrats own it, and they'll never give it up. So what you really
have to do is scrap the general election process. It's broken, and it'll
never get fixed, because the sharks who own it don't want it fixed. Scrap
it. Get rid of it. Then you fire the whole damn Federal Government.
Everyone. The money that we save will pay for the salaries of necessary Fed
employees. Military, ambassadors, Intelligence community. The rest of it...
take the savings and give it to the states. And then, because we should have
a head of state, hold a lottery for president. Require a decent credit
rating, and no criminal record (right there you've improved over what we
have now), and then get stuck with the job for six years. Then you're out
for good. Someone else gets the job. Congress is next. Gone. Governors can
communicate with each other, and decide what they need to do to get the job
done. There's no influence of corruption, because they've reached the
pinnacle of their political career. We've been conned into thinking that we
need lawyers to run the country. That couldn't be farther from the truth.
There is no profession (with the exception of politics) that is at once so
self-serving and a drain on the lifeblood of the country. They are
responsible for tha basketcase that is the American healthcare system. Why?
Malpractice insurance. That says it all. Shakespeare knew what to do with
lawyers. The same should go for career politicians. And television news
anchors. And the fact is, common sense isn't taught in law school. It isn't
taught anywhere. You either have it or you don't. And the average person,
who survives on common sense, has more than the average blood sucking

So am I trashing the constitution? No. We weren't trashing it when we
outlawed slavery, or gave women the vote. We were amending it to suit the
realities of the day. And this day, our Federal government is broken. We
need to fix it. Oh boy, do we need to fix it!