Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Shooting From the Left

I've been pretty quiet lately, but I've been busy just the same. Aside from working on my fantasy trek project (see http://fantasytrek.blogspot.com for the only "Star Trek: The Experience" you can still Experience... and for free by the way). But I've also been watching all the shooting from the left that somehow just seems to be catching them in the foot. Not an easy thing when the left foot in question is so firmly entrenched in their own mouth.

Mister Obama says that he's going to change things, and that's why we should vote for him. First of all, Mister Obama seems to do much better when there's no voting at all. Either it's him not voting on any issue that might come back to haunt him (regardless of how important it is that someone charged wth representing the people actually take a stand based not on focus groups or snap polling but on conviction and principle), or it's votes not being allowed from Michigan or Florida (until he knows he'll win anyway), or it's votes not even being taken in the Democrat love-fest in Denver (rather than risking some delegates going against the commands of party bosses and 'super delegates'... and more on the subject of super delegates later), and declaring, not electing, the Chosen One's victory by Acclamation. Star Wars fans, remember that the last 'Chosen One' may have started out looking innocent but ended up being Darth Vader. The party that shouted out how much they wanted every vote to be counted suddenly seems to feel otherwise. And there is something else that needs to be considered here. Is it a pure coincidence that Darth Hussein Obama's :) victory speech so closely coincided with the anniversary of one of Martin Luther King Jr's most famous speeches? I don't think so. I think it was decided long ago who was going to be giving a victory speech on that night. I think 'super delegates' were put in place and the 'Acclamation' was planned long before a single primary vote was cast. I think that Hillary's campaign was doomed from the start. I think that the Kennedy's were all in on the act from the start. That's why they suddenly wanted nothing to do with the Clintons and were throwing their entire weight behind someone with so little experience and with twenty years of association with controversial America-hating, white-hating racist demogouges like Louis Farrakhan and Reverend Wright. They chose(n) him as the new JFK, and they weren't going to let a silly thing like democracy get in the way. And about those super delegates. I remember when a concept called 'one man, one vote' was an important idea in this country. Not any more. Now we have Super Delegate, who knows what's best for us, even in the voting booth. That's why they're given the voting ability of hundreds of us mere mortals. Who needs Batman?

What is Fantasy Trek?

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