Sunday, June 02, 2013

"Speak Out" June 2nd 2013

Freedom of speech and freedom of the press have come into the national discussion of late, and it is beginning to transcend political lines. That is good, because it is something that affects us all. Not necessarily today, but someday. When the government, or anyone in a position of power begins to try to control peoples' right to speak out or report the news, then all of our freedoms are in jeopardy. That may sound a bit melodramatic, but really, think about the importance of simply being able to speak your mind, to call attention to the government, to address injustices. Then think about someone in authority who uses the power entrusted to them to try to limit or control what you say. Not always by literally stopping you, but by harrassment. By searching your correspondences or phone records on the pretense of investigating criminal acts, or using the taxing authority of the federal government to curtail your ability to functon as an organization. This is exactly what is happening in our country right now, and it is not a political issue... it is a moral issue. Any abuse of power by anyone must be fought and decried and exposed for what it is. 
You might think, depending on your political affiliations that it is okay for the IRS to investigate and obstruct certain groups from getting the tax exempt status that they apply and qualify for, but you should also remember that if the rule of law can be denied to one group it can be denied to any group. Political power is fleeting. Parties in power today may find themselves out of favor tomorrow, and could easily find themselves subject to the same scrutiny and constraints that their opponents once experienced. Once lost, freedom is very  hard to regain. If it becomes acceptable to target certain groups because of ther political views, then someday it may become acceptable, by extension, to target other groups for other reasons. Selective discrimination (and really, that is what it is, to target individuals or organizations simply because they belong to a certain group) is always wrong and dangerous. If you don't see that, I would recommend reading George Orwell's fascinating "Animal Farm".

Am I getting political? No. This is a universal and very serious issue in which not only Americans but people all over the world should be interested. If we can justify or allow or even discount the sort of discrimination that seems to be going on (while the truth appears to be locked away somewhere in our nation's capital), then we can justify the same mistreatment for anyone. Any politial group. Any gender. Any race. Equal treatment under the law is a cornerstone of our judicial system and society, and one would hope that our nation's top law enforcement officials would hold that concept in high regard.

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