Sunday, June 16, 2013

"Promises Promises" June 16th 2013

I'd like to talk today about keeping our word. That means not only to others, but to ourselves. When we decide to make a change in our lives for the better it is usually not an easy thing. It may be an exercise regimen, or saving money, or giving up a bad habit. Whatever it is, it usually means breaking from a comfort zone and pushing ourselves to improve our lives. It is very important to realize that these things generally take time and persistence. They may not show immediate results. They require strength of will. Faith and determination pay off in the end, but only through self discipline. Changes that are easy are rarely substantive. The important stuff takes patience and determination and sometimes good old fashioned sweat. Depending on what you are changing in your life you may be able to go to others for advice and support, but you are the key. You have to find a way to stay strong. In the end, the only person who can change you is you. Don't fill your life with broken promises to yourself. It may be easier in the short term to not do the hard work of changing, but in the long run you won't like the person who let you down.
The value of our word becomes even greater when we give it to someone else. Really, the only thing we have of any value is our word. Material things may place us at the top levels of society and in positions of power, but that value is meaningless because it can be lost or taken away. You cannot print value. (if you doubt that, look at the rollercoaster ride that is the dollar, or the rise and fall of people like Bernie Maddoff). Only we can give our word, and only we can break it. Before you give your word to someone, consider whether or not you can actually do it. If you aren't sure, you should either not promise anything at all, or tell them that you will try your best. It is far better to not promise than to promise and not deliver. And one more, very important point. If you break your word, don't fall back on the excuse "I didn't say 'promise'." That carries as much weight as crossing your fingers behind your back. It's an excuse that belongs on the playground. When you give your word, you make a promise. Simple as that. So my advice, something I strictly follow is this. Don't make promises easily or casually. Make them only when you know you are willing and able to keep them. That may not make as many friends quickly and easily, but those that you do make will value you a great deal more.

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