Saturday, October 11, 2008

Just What Is a Barack Hussein Obama

Brian Williams has just finished telling me again why I should vote for mister obama. But fortunately, I have a brain, so I didn't fall for it. Mister Wlliams, I don't have any business ties to any Islamic republics. Can you say the same? No. You work for NBC. NBC is owned by GE. GE has business ties with Iran. One less reason to give you any credibilty.

Mister Obama has spent decades in the company of people like Louis Farrakhan, Reverend Wright, and William Ayers. He has marched in lockstep with avowed Marxists. Members of the American Socialist Party. His voting record (not counting all of those 'above my pay-grade' 'PRESENT' votes), is among the most liberal in the history of congress. He has voted 94 times to raise taxes. In Illinois he made no effort to stop the practice of throwing out and leaving in the trash failed abortions. That is as bad as it sounds. When an abortion failed, and a living (but unwanted) person was pulled out of a woman, it was thrown out. In the trash. And mister obama doesn't have a problem with this. The question of whether or not a person who is born ACCIDENTALLY, breathing air and aware of its surroundings is worthy of more than being dumped in the trash next to half-eaten burritos and empty coke bottles is above mister obama's paygrade. Good God man, just what is important enough to you to warrant taking a stand on? If you get elected, how many times can we expect you to vote 'present'? And if we have another 9/11, would the response be above your paygrade? You like to say we should concentrate on issues and not personal attacks. Well, the biggest issue I worry about is the very real prospect of having a president who makes Bill Clinton (hell, who makes Hillary Clinton) look like Ronald Reagan. Your solution is an all-powerful state that regulates every aspect of our lives and takes our money to redistribute according the state. I actually have faith in the love of country that most liberals profess. I think they're misguided and dangerous, but still patriotic. You are, in my opinion, not a patriot. You are a dangerous liberal marxist who is in a position to do damage to this country that would have made Stalin blush. Where do I get that? I get that from mister obama's friend Frank Marshall Davis and the rest of his communist friends in college. Not counting the year that spent 'pretty much in a daze'.

That is what a barack hussein obama is.

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