Thursday, October 16, 2008

Lucky Me! I Just Found Out I'm a Racist!

I was waiting for the laundromat to open when two black guys walked up with a grocery cart (I'll just point out here and now that this was a stolen grocery cart. They don't sell them to customers, so if it says 'Albertson's' on it and it isn't in the Albertson's parking lot, it's stolen. Whether they stole it from the store or stole it second hand, it's still stolen) full of laundry. That's okay. But as soon as they arrive, they start launching into a diatribe about how wonderful mister barack hussein obama is, and how he's pure and holy, and how he graduated from Harvard which is the best school in the country, according to these learned young grocery cart thieves. It used to be elitest and white and evil until mister obama went there. What would we do without him? I suppose that these fine young upstanding grocery cart thieves finally have a reason to be proud of their country. Well that's good. Sadly for me, (according to these thieves), if I disagree with them, I'm either rich or racist. And since I'm not rich, I must be racist.

What is it that tells me that these two thieves are right? Because they didn't resort to any personal attacks. Nope, they stayed on issues. Issues like everyone is Alaska is drunk and stupid (and white trash, according the non-racist, sensitive, caring gentleman). He looked straight at me and my wife when he said that, just to make sure we understood. Gosh, lucky us. Issues like being held in a prisoner of war camp makes you crazy. Issues like black people finally getting what's coming to them. Issues like Bush is a criminal and finally obama is going to throw him in jail. And it was refreshingly lacking in such personal attacks like obama's voting record, or the racist pastors or terrorists he calls friends, or the fact that he has no problem with throwing unwanted babies in the garbage, or that he thinks that the middle class is bitter and clinging to guns and religion, I guess, because their lives are so empty. Nothing about the definition of life being above his pay grade.

I'm just glad that these two fine young thieves were kind enough to teach me that I'm a racist. Maybe next time I can be a thug and a punk who lives like a leech off of tax dollars provided by hard working non-thieves who actually own an alarm clock and a work ethic. Maybe I can be someone who can scoff at a hero who sat in a POW camp and had his arms broken every day. Maybe I can steal grocery carts and bellow and bluster with all of dignity of a two year old. Maybe I can be lucky enough to be such a pathetic excuse for a human being that I'll support any crook that promises to steal from hard-working people to enable my drug habit. But for now, really, I'm just excited that these two shining examples of humanity have taught me that I'm a racist. WooHoo!

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