Thursday, May 24, 2007


Immigration reform is in the news again, primarily because the new Congress
(that was supposed to have solved all of our problems by now) can't manage
to do anything else and has pretty much made a complete and utter ballsup of
their victory and all that was supposed to do, to rescue the constitution
and the country and end the war just by quitting. And let's be clear on
that. They aren't talking winning. They're talking losing... already lost in
fact, and uh.... we're just gonna quit. And that's supposed to be a good
thing. Don't get me wrong. I hate the fact that we're there. I hate the fact
that our soldiers are being slaughtered over there and their parliament can
take a vacation! Hello! Our blood is buying you time to fix your country.
You don't have time for a vacation! So yeah, I hate that we're losing a
generation of brave people. It really breaks my heart. But we made the damn
mess. We have to fix it. Quitting may get you reelected (and that's all
you're trying to do, isn't it?), but just as with all liberal policies,
somebody else pays for it later. You can't take the easy way out and expect
it to really work. You don't have a plan for the war or the country. You
have a plan to get some power and keep it. That's it. Nothing more. And so
yes, how about immigration reform. Well that's a case where you can appeal
to your voters/slaves, take the easy way, PC way out... and actually take
the best course. And that's because this country has, for so long, ignored
the flood of illegal immigrants, primarily from Mexico, and now we've got a
problem that won't be solved by doing what we should do. Twelve million
illegal immigrants (each one insisting that they aren't criminals. Please
explain that to me. How do you break a law but not be a criminal?) are now a
part of our economy. We need them. And even if they weren't a large part of
our economy, the sheer logistics of forcibly removing twelve million illegal
(non-criminal!?) immigrants makes the idea impractical. Probably impossible.
We'd need all the troops back from both wars to go through every state in
the union to go house to house checking for paperwork that is probably
forged anyway, and marching the illegals back where they came from. It is
impossible. So the best we can do is offer them a good enough deal so that
they'll present themselves for documentation. Then they go on a program that
puts them on a path to legality. Citizenship? Hell no. My wife is from New
Zealand, and she is jumping through hoops just to get a work permit. No way
in hell some criminal gets any easy way to citizenship. Amnesty? Hell no.
You broke the law. Admit it. Why is it you can't say the word ILLEGAL?

Really, what we need to do is look at why millions of mexicans are streaming
across the border... with the aid of the Mexican government. As a country,
Mexico is ridiculously rich, but the government is so corrupt that the
people do not benefit from that until they're trying to leave. It's an
absolute crime, and they've demonstrated through successive administrations
that it doesn't matter who is in charge. Nothing will change. How in hell
they can complain about US immigration policy is beyond me. That's like
Hitler complaining about how easy it was invade France. The fact is that
what needs to happen is a complete militarization of the southern border,
and then a change in Mexico. Not another election that changes nothing, but
in fact a bloody bloody revolution that really changes the country. The
Mexican government does nothing whatsoever to discourage its people from
running away... and they won't, because they're getting rich from that mass
evacuation. Shame on you, Mexican government. And Viva La Raza!

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